Thursday, May 12, 2011

Who's driving this thing, anyway?

Clement wants oil industry to explain

Click the link to read the full article.

Federal Minister of Industry will call Big Oil to the principal's office because he and the rest of the idiots running the country don't really know how Big Oil sets the price of gas. Uh, you guys don't know how they set the price of gas? You really, really don't?

And you want to allow the market to continue doing what it does, despite the fact that you are admitting that you don't really know what it does. Brilliant! Stupendous work.

I have to find a good 'facepalm' jpeg to use in these situations...

And then, this nugget: ""Governments should not be regulating markets, Flaherty said. “That's a sure way to make sure the market doesn't work."" Yeah, because the oil market "works" super well right now for, um, the oil market? And the last time I checked, it was the government regulation of the bank industry which avoided Canada the whole mortgage debacle that helped us limit the damages due to the financial meltdown... you know, the averted disaster that Harper brags about?

Listen, Dear Leader Harper: I have a 6-month-old, I can smell poo from 2 rooms away. Your government needs a diaper change...

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